At our NuSkinnovation Laser Clinic Centurion, we always say that skin health is a lifelong journey that consists of ample trial and error. From skincare treatment choices to everyday lifestyle factors like diet, hormones, routine, and genetics, there are so many elements that can contribute to one’s skin health.


Fortunately, most of these factors are very much within our control. If you are struggling with your skin and looking for simple solutions to implement before partaking in corrective treatments, then start by considering what kind of changes you can make to your everyday lifestyle, skincare, and makeup routines first and foremost. Read along with us if you want more information about better lifestyle choices that will serve your skin in the long run.


Skin Type And Science Informs Skin Treatment


Naturally, many of the choices you make regarding your everyday skincare routine should be considered in tandem with your genetic makeup, skin type, and broader skincare goals. Before you start making major changes, you should assess your skin carefully over a few months and determine which major issues and problem areas exist. For example, if you have dry skin that is prone to rosacea, you should focus on avoiding triggers like sun exposure and irritable, harsh skincare products while building up your moisture barrier and prioritising hydration.


Your overall skin type should be the deciding factor that informs your choice of skincare and your everyday care routines. Once you have determined whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, you should be able to ascertain which products best serve you and what types of treatments or ingredients to avoid. In general, if you are becoming serious about achieving your skin goals, then you should take careful notice of all of the ingredients included in your wash, exfoliant, serums, and moisturisers. Always keep in mind that certain ingredients are more abrasive than others, and many cannot be used together.


For example, retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are both powerful acne treatments often prescribed to those suffering from red, bumpy skin and clogged pores. However, more and more, these ingredients are becoming popular in mainstream commercial skin care without adequate education. Many fail to notice that they cannot use retinol while applying benzoyl peroxide, especially if they’re not applying sunscreen on a consistent basis. The simultaneous use of such products can cause dryness and peeling. Similarly, retinoids should not be used in combination with vitamin C-based products.


Skin Scan Analysis


This exemplifies the necessary precision of skincare and the fact that a laissez-faire approach is usually not the best way forward. If you are experiencing major doubt or distress, you should liaise with a dermatologist or skincare professional to address issues like acne, ageing, and hyperpigmentation.


These professionals can better assist you in determining the best route to skin health. At NuSkinnovation, we can offer comprehensive skin analysis at our laser clinic Centurion. By determining what topical prescriptions you use, what kind of sun exposure you receive, and what your diet consists of, we can hone in on your problems and make informed skincare suggestions from there.


If you feel that you would like to seek out treatments in the broader Pretoria area, or more specifically at our Laser Clinic Centurion branch, then fill out a quick form and wait for one of our friendly aestheticians to get in touch with you. Once we’ve made contact, we will invite you to the Laser Clinic Centurion branch, or any other nearby centre, and offer consultations to discuss potential results and treatments. If your problem is purely cosmetic, then we can make several skin treatment recommendations. For example, we offer everything from chemical peels and facials to Plasmapen treatments and microneedling.


As beneficial as these treatments are, it is equally as essential to follow a healthy lifestyle and make positive and proactive decisions regarding your health. Because even if you invest in one of our incredible treatments, it will likely be less effective if you fail to complement it with healthy habits. It’s important to make a commitment to the best possible choices to serve you and your skin. So, let’s start with some of our basic (yet often overlooked) suggestions, beginning with the best and worst of all products: makeup!




Consider Your Cosmetics


The way in which you apply and remove makeup can have a severe impact on your skin’s health. Before applying makeup, you should prime your skin to prevent any products from becoming clogged in your pores. Many of the somatologists at our laser clinic Centurion have reported that patients seeking skincare treatments to address acne, dullness, or irritation are often guilty of misusing their makeup products. Despite the bold promises that makeup makes for your confidence and overall appearance, it can also seriously impact your overall skin health if it isn’t used correctly. Too much can cause caking and clogging of pores, while ineffective removal can trap dirt, pollution, and bacteria.


Of course, there are solutions to prevent semi-permanent damage. At our laser clinic Centurion, we always recommend primers to clients because they act as a barrier that prevents the absorption of harsh chemicals and irritating ingredients into the skin. While it might be too much to ask you to quit makeup entirely, learning how to use it more responsibly is easy. Invest in a good primer that tightens pores and keeps your products from sitting on your skin. From there, you’ll already notice easier removal too.


Beyond that, it is also important to use good products. Too many people fail to look at expiration dates and ingredient lists when buying makeup, but these are just as important as they are for your cleansing products. Using an old mascara could create the risk of eye infection, and an uncertified lipstick could cause swelling or breakout, for example. So, take careful notice of the quality of your ingredients. Beyond that, you should also be considering how often you are removing your makeup and cleansing your skin. As we all preach at Laser Clinic Centurion, you should never go to sleep with makeup on.


Laser Clinic Centurion: Always Remove Your Makeup


If even the day’s dirt and pollutants can get trapped on your pillowcase and cause breakouts, can you imagine what an added layer of makeup might do? Beyond staining your pillowcase, it will cause oxidative stress that leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and dull, aged skin. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, and it can lead to cell and tissue damage. The friction between your skin, products, and pillows, compounded with a lack of opportunity for your epidermis to breathe and regenerate overnight, is likely to lead to acne, premature ageing, and tired-looking skin.


By cleaning your skin properly before bed, you can remove impurities, pollutants, and bacteria that would otherwise only set in overnight. And if you’re an everyday makeup user, this is even more critical. If you fail to remove your makeup, then when you reapply the next day, you will only be layering more products on top of that existing dirt, ultimately suffocating your own skin while transferring bacteria to your makeup brushes.


All in all, it’s not worth the 10 extra minutes of sleep you might get out of it. Stay on track with your skincare goals by removing your makeup carefully using either a water-based or oil-based cleanser, depending on your skin type. Of course, never forget to moisturise and hydrate afterward, as makeup and its removal products often strip your skin of natural oils.


Laser Clinic Centurion: Reconsider Your Routines


The way that you prepare your skin for the day, as well as for bed, will make a major difference to its health. Somatologists at our laser clinic, Centurion, and just about every other NuSkinnovation branch will tell you that you must, above all else, remove your makeup completely before you go to bed. Some of us may not take this instruction seriously enough, and that is perhaps why so many makeup users struggle with breakouts, but it is a vital step in one’s routine. It’s not the only minor change that can make a major difference. Here are few more pieces of advice that are worth adhering to:


Wash Your Face Last: If you’re washing your hair or brushing your teeth, chances are you’re going to distribute many dirt particles and oils all over your face unconsciously. Most hair products are full of greasy oils and harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin and leave your skin irritated or clogged. So, be sure to pay attention to the area around your scalp where products might be transferred to the skin. Similarly, the amount of menthol and flavourant in your toothpaste is certainly not good for the area around your mouth, so be sure to brush your teeth first and remove any remaining residue before proceeding with your skincare. This will prevent any pesky particles and grime from getting underneath your serums or moisturisers.


Take Notice Of Your Towels: Your towel can carry and harbour major bacteria that are invisible to the human eye, and these bacteria are passed on from your body whenever you shower, which is why you should not be using your shower towel to dry a freshly washed face. Instead, consider using an exclusively face-only towel, preferably something made of microfiber that is gentler on the skin.


What’s more, be gentle; harsh rubbing is ineffective and often bad for you. Instead, you should be patting gently and, largely, leaving your face to air dry if possible. At Laser Clinic Centurion, this is something that we often emphasise because we know that so many people simply reuse towels throughout the week with little consideration for the dirt they hold.


Change Your Pillowcases Regularly: Bedding can easily store dead skin cells, bacteria, grease, and grime. If you’re putting cheek to pillow day in and day out, you’re certainly transferring some of the day’s pollution to your bedding. This is why it is so important to change your pillowcases weekly and replace them every other year or so. Some even choose to use satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton because they have less of an effect on the epidermis. Pillowcases, much like cell phone screens, on-ear headphones, glasses, and even hands, make constant contact with your skin and should thus be washed and cleaned regularly.


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Lifestyle Habits And Hacks For Clear Skin


Before opting for a treatment at Laser Clinic Centurion, ask yourself, ‘Am I doing everything I can to ensure healthy, plump, bright skin?’. If the answer isn’t immediately clear to you, then chances are you could be doing more to care for your skin. Factors such as diet, sun exposure, workout routines, hydration levels, and correct makeup use are major considerations when it comes to reducing problematic skin conditions. So, we suggest taking a look at your everyday makeup, wakeup, and bedtime routines as well as signing up for a few incredible treatments with us at NuSkinnovation!